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Crab Nebula with Player One Uranus-C

Crab Nebula with Player One Uranus-C

Have a look at this wonderful deep sky image showcasing the famous Crab Nebula. At the center of this magnificent supernova remnant is a pulsar, a highly magnetized and rapidly spinning neutron star.

 The pulsar emits beams of electromagnetic radiation, which are observed as pulses of light as the star rotates. This pulsar is one of the most studied objects in the sky, and has provided important insights into the nature of neutron stars and the physics of extreme environments.

At the birth of this supernova explosion that was witnessed by Chinese astronomers in 1054 AD it was so bright that it was visible during the day and remained visible in the night sky for several weeks! The remnant that we see today is the expanding debris cloud from that explosion.

The photo is taken by astrophotographer Gordan Bartolic, he tells that this is one of the first deep sky astrophotographs with his Player One Astronomy Uranus-C camera and Celestron C8 XLT telescope paired with a 0.63x focal reducer. To enhance the quality of the image, Bartolic used a Baader Neodymium filter, which he purchased together with the camera. The final image was created by integrating 64 exposures, each lasting 5 minutes, for a total integration time of just over 5 hours.

You can find more photos by him at his Flickr page:
